News, Tips

7 things every carer should know about benefits

  Carers often face financial struggles due to a combination of factors related to low income, lack of adequate support, and the demands of caregiving. Many people cannot work full-time because of their caregiving responsibilities and cost of living, particularly in terms of housing, utilities, and food, has increased in
News, Tips

Keeping Warm this Winter

Bernadette, Benefits and Financial Wellbeing Advisor With the rising cost of energy bills in the UK having an impact on finances, it is important carers know the help that is out there. Carers play a vital role in looking after loved ones, while also often managing household costs. In this
News, Tips

A guide to benefits for carers by our new Benefits Advisor Bernadette

Caring for a friend or family member is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles. Whether you’re looking after an elderly parent, a child with special needs, or a friend with a chronic illness, being a carer requires time, energy, and emotional investment. Some people have been carers for
News, Young Carers

What Matters to Young Carers in North Tyneside 2024

Earlier this year Healthwatch North Tyneside surveyed young carers and asked how their lives have changed in the last year and what issues are affecting them. Healthwatch North Tyneside is the independent voice for residents using local health and social care services. Healthwatch are a partner of the North Tyneside

Take part in the State of Caring Survey 2024

Every year Carers UK has been sharing the experiences of unpaid carers with those in power through their annual survey. Last year’s staggering response from over 11,000 carers enabled campaigners to: Help support the passage of the Carer’s Leave Act. Campaign on carers’ poverty with robust evidence. Highlight examples of