Calling Me Home

Come to a retreat and have a chill out day

there’s peace and harmony, to wash the stress away.

A garden of job, a peace garden for contemplation

how can you not find peace and relaxation.

Apples, vegetables and flowers all home grown

there’s silence, solitude but you’re not alone.

A calmness you feel but can’t truly explain

to have this calmness, I need to return again.

So many lovely people, all with a need to share

our reasons for being here because we all care.

I can find myself but lose myself to peace

a warm gentle harmony, my stress to release.

Colours around so vibrant, every shade to see

it tells me to chill, to let my inner self free.

Come to a retreat to be calm, to let worries out

let everything just float away, no more doubt.

Walking through the peace garden even in rain

all sense of stress leaves just tranquillity to remain.

A craft room to meet and make friends, to create

a time of wellness, of joy all things to sedate.

To return again would be a plan I need to make

of all their harmony and wellbeing, I need to take.

There people volunteer and wow what a job they do

they relax, they calm and they educate you.

I left there feeling refreshed, a calmness to know

and I know I must return for my peace to grow.

A peace garden just waiting, calling me home

where I can sit, be silent but I know I’m not alone.