Young Carer/Family Self Referrals
We can accept referrals from young carers themselves, a young carers parent or primary caregiver or a professional that has identified a young carer. You can make a referral following the relevant links below.
Young Carer / Family Referrals
For young carers or family members who wish to refer a young carer to our service. Please make sure that the following criteria is met:
- The person must be a young carer. This means they must be providing unpaid care for a person who has a long-term or terminal illness, a disability, mental health difficulty or misuses alcohol/substances.
- The person must be 18 or under (If they are over 18, they may wish to seek support from our adult carers’ service).
- Their caring responsibilities are impacting upon their life. This may be socially, emotionally, educationally or physically. Not all young carers’ require support. Many cope very well without support from external agencies.
- They must live in North Tyneside or be undertaking their caring role in North Tyneside.
If you are a young carer or a family member in need of support, please contact the Young Carers’ Project team who will talk to you about your situation on (0191) 643 2298.