
As a carer, you may provide unpaid support for a family member, friend, partner or neighbour who could not manage without your support. This could be due to an illness, disability, substance misuse or mental health.

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is an independent charity and a network partner of Carers Trust. Established in 1994 by a group of carers who identified that they had nowhere to go for support, they approached North Tyneside Council and requested access to a room where they could meet and support one another. After discussions, a steering group was formed and the Princess Royal Trust for Carers in London was approached to help set up a Carers’ Centre in North Tyneside.

Originally there were two members of staff and a Board of Trustees. Over the years the Centre has developed in response to the needs of local carers and now employs 27 staff, as well as benefiting from the support of 17 volunteers. Our well-established adult and young carers service delivers a wide range of interventions. This enables carers to maintain their wellbeing and achieve their future aspirations.

Carers are represented at every level of the organisation. Our Board benefits from a range of trustees who have experience of caring and working within health and social care. We enjoy the support of over 104 Carers Trust network partners across the UK. This enables us to influence policy at a regional and national level.