Dementia Carer Peer Support Group

Our dementia peer support group is for carers who are supporting a loved one with dementia, whether you are coming to terms with a recent diagnosis or are further along in the dementia journey.

The group will offer you the opportunity to meet other carers in a similar position to you, have a break from your caring role and get advice.

The first meeting in January has a guest speaker, the brilliant Bernadette Noone, who will share some money and energy saving tips before other activities. Call 0191 249 6480 or click here to confirm your place.

Time: 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Date: Friday 10 January
Location: The White Swan Centre,  Killingworth, NE12 6SS

(Lots of parking available. The 63, 342 and 352 buses stop outside.)

To attend for the first time call 0191 2496480 or email: