Caring for Carers Conference in Carers Week 2024

The 2024 Caring for Carers Conference was attended by over 80 professionals from health, social care and charitable organisations in North Tyneside. It was aimed at workers who work alongside unpaid carers.

North Tyneside’s Carers Partnership Board reported on the work they had undertaken and new developments during the last 12 months. Some highlights included:

• An update on the findings from the young carers survey undertaken by Healthwatch that shared the lived experience of young people caring in North Tyneside, the issues they are facing and recommendations for change.
• We heard how the Young Carers in Schools Programme is working with local schools to raise awareness of young carers and how they can be supported in school.

• The Working for Carers project which is a collaboration between North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, Newcastle Carers and Carers Northumberland to support carers into paid employment, training or education. The project will also support carers already in employment to sustain work and work with employers to identify and support carers in the workplace.

Coby Black, Young Mayor, presented silver awards to Lisa Hornby on behalf of Village Green Surgery and Thomas McCabe on behalf of Hadrian Health Centre for their work in identifying and supporting carers as part of the Carer Friendly GP Practice Award Scheme.

Thank you to everyone who attended and for their commitment to improve the lives of carers in North Tyneside.