
Adult Carer Awareness – Online Learning and Training Sessions

A range of short online learning sessions have been developed by North Tyneside Carers’ Centre to support staff working in primary care to identify and support carers.

The learning packages are hosted on North Tyneside Council’s learning platform – Learning Pool. They are free to access, if you work within the borough of North Tyneside.

To access the following online packages, visit, where you can login or set up an account as a new user:

Adult Carer Awareness (Module One)

This online learning will raise your awareness about Adult Carers. By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Identify who is an adult carer
  • Understand practical and emotional aspects of caring
  • Actions professionals can take to help ensure early identification of adult carers
  • Describe support and information that adult carers may find beneficial in their caring role

Duration: Approximately an hour to complete.

Target Audience: Anyone who comes into contact with patients.

Adult Carer Assessments (Module Two)

This online learning will enable you to complete a Carers Assessment. By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of a Carers Assessment and understand the process within North Tyneside local authority
  • Outline the key benefits for a carer
  • Effectively create the right conditions to undertake a Carers Assessment and be able to complete the Carers Assessment documentation
  • Make effective decisions regarding eligibility and support planning for carers

Duration: 90 minutes to complete.

Target Audience: Health professionals who are involved in the Carers Assessment process or need to have a better understanding of the process.

Young Carer Awareness (Module One)

This online learning will raise your awareness about Young Carers. By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Identify who is a young carer
  • Understand the impact of their caring responsibilities on their life and wellbeing
  • Identify actions you can take to help improve early identification of young carers
  • Describe support and information that young carers may find beneficial in their caring role

 Duration: Approximately an hour to complete.

Target Audience: Anyone working in a client facing role.

Young Carers Needs Assessments (Module Two)

This online learning will support professionals who undertake statutory assessments for young carers.  By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Complete the Young Carers’ Needs Assessment process
  • Recognise where a young carer is providing inappropriate or excessive levels of care
  • Access resources for young carers and develop a support plan to meet their needs

Duration:  Approximately an hour to complete

Target audience:  Professionals who are designated to undertake Young Carers’ Needs Assessments.

Identifying and Supporting Carers

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre also offers face to face Identifying and Supporting Carers sessions for professionals which enable them to:

  • Identify who is a carer
  • Deepen their understanding of the impact of caring
  • Have a better understanding of carers’ needs and how they could effectively support them in their caring role
  • Find out how the Carers’ Centre can help you to support carers

We run a public session each quarter and or can deliver bespoke sessions to practices.