Benefits and Energy Advice Drop-in Clinics for Unpaid Carers
Come along to the friendly, informal drop-in session to ask any questions you have about benefits, energy advice, energy bills support, and managing your finances. A dedicated worker is here
Small steps to take a break
As an unpaid carer you dedicate so much time and energy to looking after others, yet can often have little opportunity to take time for yourself. Carers are twice as
Understanding Respite for Carers
Many unpaid carers struggle to take a break. Sadly, some carers have not had any form of respite or holiday for years. However, legally, carers have rights, including the
Signs You Could Be A Carer
Many people do not see themselves as family carers. Statistically, it takes two years for people to recognise themselves in this role. By this point, the carer is likely feeling
Healthy habits for healthy carers
Caroline Hamilton, Adult Carers Lead at North Tyneside Carers’ Centre shares the importance of prioritising your physical health when you are caring for someone When you are focused on looking
How caring can affect your health
Carers are all too aware of the demands their caring role puts on their lives, but what about the physical challenges and the impact on their own health. Data from
Caring in 2025 – preparing for the year ahead
As we move into 2025, this is the time for reflecting on the past year and thinking about goals for the year ahead. There is no doubt that the challenges
Christmas greetings and Opening Times
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre hopes you have a calm and joyful Christmas The organisation is taking its Christmas break from 4.00 pm, Monday 23 December to 10.00 am, Thursday 2
Carers Christmas crisis toolkit
Carers deal with an enormous amount throughout the year, but this season in particular can be difficult because many organisations close down for the Christmas period or only have a
What to do in a crisis
This time of year can present challenges, both financially and emotionally. Just remember you are not alone. Ahead of the Christmas and New Year period, we have pulled together a
The 2024 Budget and Carers
The 2024 budget brings important changes for carers. On the plus side, the Carer Allowance earnings limit will increase, allowing carers to earn up to £196 per week while still
Council asks carers for help in planning future services
North Tyneside Council is developing plans for how it helps unpaid carers and your input is vital. The council is seeking the views and experiences of carers to ensure new
I’m a young carer – what help is out there?
You are a young carer if you are aged 5-18 and help look after somebody in your family who has a disability, illness, mental health difficulty, or someone who misuses
How can you make a difference to young carers
Chief Executive, Claire Easton At North Tyneside Carers’ Centre we provide support to more than 500 young carers aged from five years old to 18. They deal with a range
Young carers on what needs to change
What do young carers think about balancing caring with school, work, and their social lives? In this blog, we have included words from young carers in North Tyneside about what
Bright future ahead
For young carers, the future can often feel uncertain as they juggle their roles at home with their dreams for what’s ahead. Despite the hurdles, many young carers are
Life as a young carer – in their own words
Young carers balance the pressures of growing up with the responsibilities of looking after a loved one Even from a very young age they provide care for family members dealing
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2029
The charity’s Chief Executive Officer, Claire Easton, shares our plans for improving the lives of unpaid carers in the next five years. I am delighted to share with you our
7 things every carer should know about benefits
Carers often face financial struggles due to a combination of factors related to low income, lack of adequate support, and the demands of caregiving. Many people cannot work full-time
Keeping Warm this Winter
Bernadette, Benefits and Financial Wellbeing Advisor With the rising cost of energy bills in the UK having an impact on finances, it is important carers know the help that is
A guide to benefits for carers by our new Benefits Advisor Bernadette
Caring for a friend or family member is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles. Whether you’re looking after an elderly parent, a child with special needs, or a
What Matters to Young Carers in North Tyneside 2024
Earlier this year Healthwatch North Tyneside surveyed young carers and asked how their lives have changed in the last year and what issues are affecting them. Healthwatch North Tyneside is
Take part in the State of Caring Survey 2024
Every year Carers UK has been sharing the experiences of unpaid carers with those in power through their annual survey. Last year’s staggering response from over 11,000 carers enabled campaigners
Caring for Carers Conference in Carers Week 2024
The 2024 Caring for Carers Conference was attended by over 80 professionals from health, social care and charitable organisations in North Tyneside. It was aimed at workers who work alongside
Carers Week Events
The theme of Carers Week is, “Putting Carers on the Map” and beginning Monday 10th June we will launch events and activities in North Tyneside to recognise and applaud the
Carer’s Leave Begins on 6th April!
We are nearly there. After years of campaigning, on the 6th of April 2 million employees with unpaid caring responsibilities will be able to take up to five days of
Helping Other Carers through the Forum
Are you an adult carer registered with our service who is passionate about making life better for carers like you? North Tyneside Carers’ Centre would love to hear from you!
Coby becomes Young Mayor!
We are delighted to salute Coby Black on his election to the post of Young Mayor of North Tyneside! Coby was selected by his peers to represent them as the
Young Carer Ruby wins Young Leader Award
We are so happy to share the good news that Ruby who is a young carer at the centre, has won the Young Leader Award prize at Newcastle United Foundation’s
February 24 News
It’s the February News for unpaid and family carers in North Tyneside. Find support, useful info and inspiration here! February News
Young Carers Action Day
To celebrate Young Carers Action Day on March 13 we have invited a whole bunch of community services and groups to showcase their activities and clubs to young carers. We
Information Sessions to Inform and Empower
We want to share our upcoming information sessions, designed for unpaid or family carers in North Tyneside: There will be sessions to help carers of people with mental health issues,
A night at the Theatre
Need a night out? We have free tickets available for you and a guest to attend an acclaimed comedy-drama bursting with laughs, heartbreak, and a real quiz that requires you
Good New Year’s News for Carers
It is lovely to start the new year with some good news; it has been announced that the Carer’s Leave Act 2023 Act becomes law on the 6th of April 2024!
Carers into Work Works
Our Carers Into Work Project (formerly the Return to Work Project) has had a wonderful year continuing to support unpaid carers of working age across the North of Tyne to
Christmas Help Guide for Carers
Christmas can be the best time of the year but it can also be stressful and tiring, especially if your caring role doesn’t stop when everyone else goes on holiday.
Join the Council’s Budget Consultation
Every year the Council sets its budget and this affects everyone who lives in North Tyneside. Take a look at this short video
Christmas Opening Hours 2023
Everyone at North Tyneside Carers’ Centre wishes you, and those close to you, a restful and rejuvenating festive break. North Tyneside Carers will close at 4.00 pm on Friday 22nd
Warm Spaces Open to Everyone this Winter
This winter there will be more than 40 warm spaces open to all people in North Tyneside. Warm welcome spaces are located across the area and residents are invited to
Inquiry into young carers reveals devastating impact on life opportunities
MPs have just released a worrying report on the lives of young carers and young adult carers. They discovered: 15000 children cared for family members for more than 50 hours
Carers Rights Day Alert
Carers Rights Day is about giving carers the information and assistance to confidently ask for what they need and take action when their rights are being overlooked. Grab the opportunity
Get on board with North Tyneside Carers’ Centre: we are recruiting trustees.
Are you passionate about improving identification and support for unpaid carers? Do you want to make a difference in North Tyneside? Can you commit four voluntary hours per month? North
A New Helping Hand for Carers
Over half of all UK households now own a voice assistant like an Alexa. Whilst these nifty little devices may be common, people may not realise just how helpful they
Great News for Carers Into Work
We are so pleased to announce that our Carers Into Work Project has been extended until March 2024! Funded by North of Tyne Combined Authority, this Project provides support to
Young Carers help make safeguarding film
Congratulations to our young carers for helping to make this important and brilliantly designed film about Safeguarding. It’s a tough subject but who better to explain where you can go
New Rights for Carers!
On May 24, the Carers’ Leave Act became law and changed the working lives of carers who are also in employment. The new law helps working carers remain in work
When carers need support, it has to be local
In this year’s Carers’ Survey, carers told us they wanted support to be close to home where they live and they care for someone. The charity faced a decision, where
North Tyneside Carers’ Survey Findings
As part of the events to mark Carers Week, Healthwatch North Tyneside has shared the results of the ‘Caring in North Tyneside in 2022’ survey. 681 carers took time to
End of Life Caring in North Tyneside Q & A
Death and dying affects us all. The pandemic brought home the challenges carers faced supporting their loved ones through end-of-life care. North Tyneside Carers’ Centre has teamed up with Palliative
Celebrate Carers Week 23
Unpaid carers are the unrecognised heroes who save the NHS and social care from being overwhelmed everyday. On 5 June to 11 June we celebrate and say Thank You Carers!
Upcycling Furniture-Get your new skills here
Upcycling Furniture Course Would you like to acquire some new skills? Learn how to transform an old piece of furniture into a stylish addition to your home?
Caring for Carers in North Tyneside Conference for Professionals
Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 9.30 – 4pm at the Linskill Centre, North Shields.
Northumbria NHS Seeks Public Partners
Are you passionate about improving patient experience and reducing health inequalities in your local area? If you have an interest in representing communities to help shape local services, Northumbria NHS
A Playlist 4 Life?
Creating a unique playlist of meaningful songs to help someone with dementia and their carer These monthly sessions will help create a list of songs and tunes that provide happiness,
We wish you a a great Christmas and we will see you in 2023
The Centre wishes everyone a super Christmas and a brilliant 2023. We will be away from 4 pm on Friday 23 December to 9 am Tuesday 3 January. If you
Thank you for making Carers Rights Day special
Big thank you to all the carers, volunteers, speakers and staff who made Carers Rights Day a memorable success. It was the biggest turn out since lockdown and everybody felt
Trustee Opportunities
• Would you like to help improve the quality of life for carers in North Tyneside? • Are you passionate about ensuring that the voices of carers are heard? •
Carers Rights Day 2022: 24th November
Thursday 24th November is the day of the year when we focus on our rights as carers. Get informed on changes and new opportunities that could make a difference.
Preparing for caring at the end of life.
Beginning Wednesday 12 October, the Centre will be hosting a series of talks and events with Marie Curie to provide useful information to carers who are looking after someone who
Will working carers gain right to leave?
We have positive news to share with you as the Carers Leave Bill begins its journey through parliament on Friday 9 September. If MP’s pass the bill and it becomes
Government says how energy rebate will work
There has been an unprecedented rise in household energy bills with the average October 2021 annual bill of £1400 predicted to rise to £3650 by January 2023. The Government’s Energy
North Tyneside Carers Partnership Board Update
North Tyneside Carers’ Partnership Board is responsible for raising awareness of carers issues and improving health and social care services in North Tyneside for carers. The board’s membership includes decision
Supporting Someone WIth Dementia Programme
We are excited to announce our new programme of free training sessions for adult carers who are caring for a loved one with dementia. Carers can choose which sessions meets
Do You Have Something to Say About Hospital Discharge?
Carers experiences of hospital discharge – would you be interested in sharing your views with researchers at Northumbria University? Yes – read on! VONNE (Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East) has
North Tyneside Carers Friendly Practice Award Scheme
During consultations with carers about North Tyneside Carers Strategy, GP practices were identified as a priority to improve identification of and support for carers. Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group, the Carers’
Carers Week 2022
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring and highlight the challenges unpaid carers face. The week of events and activities that take place up and down
May – July Training for Carers
We have a range of training and information sessions coming up during May, June and July. We are now holding all of our training sessions for carers face to face.
Caring for Caring in North Tyneside – Conference for Professionals – Wednesday 8th June 2022 from 9:45am – 3pm
Caring for Caring in North Tyneside – Conference for Professionals Wednesday 8th June 2022 from 9:45am – 3pm North Tyneside Carers Partnership Board has organised a conference during national Carers
Young Carers Survey – Have Your Say to Help Shape Support for Young Carers in the Future
Caring during the pandemic has been challenging for lots of young carers. We want to hear from you about: Your experiences during the last 2 years What support would help
Top tips for exam prep…
Many young carers in doing their GCSE’s, A levels or studying at college are starting to think about and revise for exams as exam season is just around the corner.
Referring Young Carers to the service
Young carers can access support with their caring responsibilities and to have a break as a professional by carrying out a young carers needs assessment and referring them to
Supporting Carers with Training Sessions
Last year we delivered 59 sessions to carers. In total, 135 carers attended sessions to improve their knowledge, skills or confidence in their caring role. We always aim to ensure
New Activities for Carers
Of course You’re Worth It New wellbeing “of course you’re worth it sessions”, supported by North Tyneside Recovery college, take place on Friday 25th February, 4th March and 11th March
Do you feel lonely or isolated? An opportunity to have your say
We understand that caring for someone can be difficult, especially during a pandemic. It can leave you feeling alone. The Carers Community Link Workers at North Tyneside Carers’ Centre support
Training for Carers
We have a range of training and information sessions coming up during February and March. Where it is not possible to deliver the session face to face due to Covid
Supporting GP practices to support carers
The 2011 Census identified 22,208 adult carers in North Tyneside and it was estimated that there were up to 7,000 young carers living in the Borough. However, research in 2018
Introducing the Young Carers Service
The Young Carers Service is a team made up of professionals with backgrounds in Social Work, Youth Work and Teaching, who enable young carers to have a break from their
Social Action: Sharing Your Experiences
Last term both primary and secondary age young carers got together to form two six week Social Action Projects. The aim of the projects was to explore young carers experiences
Training and Development Coordinator
Part-time 32 hours per week. £24,799 (pro rata) North Tyneside Carers’ Centre has a well-established reputation for offering high quality practical and emotional support to unpaid carers. We are looking
Young Carers Speak at Headteachers Conference
Last month two young carers, Amy, in Year 9 and Ruby, in Year 7, spoke online at the North Tyneside Head teachers conference. The head teachers conference takes place every
Carers Rights Day: Do You Know Your Rights?
Did you know as young carers you have rights? Have you heard about the UN convention of The Rights of the Child? Did you know that article 12 says you
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre support carers to receive Covid vaccinations
Since February 2021, the Carers’ Centre has worked closely with the Clinical Commissioning Group, Primary Care Networks and North Tyneside Council to support carers between 16 – 65 years to
Adult Carers Survey 2021
We are working with Healthwatch, on behalf of the Carers Partnership Board to understand your experiences of caring during the pandemic. We will share your feedback with key decision makers
Do you care? A workshop for professionals about carers and employability
During Carers Week 2021 Newcastle Carers, North Tyneside Carers Centre and Carers Northumberland are inviting employability support services, employers and businesses across the community to recognise the vital contribution made
Carers Survey 2021
We are working with Healthwatch, on behalf of the Carers Partnership Board to understand your experiences of caring during the pandemic. We will share your feedback with key decision makers
Looking after your wellbeing as a carer
According to mental health charity Mind , one in four adults will experience a mental health condition at some time in their lives. This means you or someone close to
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre expands the team
We are delighted to welcome three new members of staff to the North Tyneside Carers’ Centre team this month, taking the total number of new staff who have joined us
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Tuesday 1st December 2020
It’s the beginning of a new month, one which is usually the most frantic yet eagerly-anticipated of the year. December 2020 will be one for the record books as residents
Employability Courses – December 2020
Newcastle Carers, North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and Carers Northumberland are part of a project called Return to Work Carers, funded by North of Tyne Combined Authority. Return to Work Carers
Celebrating Carers’ Rights Day 2020
Carers Rights Day is a national event that helps organisations involved with carers ensure that carers are aware of their rights. The day also aims to let carers know where
What does being a Trustee of North Tyneside Carers’ Centre mean?
Alison is the current Chair of Trustees here at North Tyneside Carers’ Centre and has been involved with the Centre for six years. It’s easy to see someone’s name at
Small Steps to Feeling Good
Residents across the borough will have recently received a booklet through their door with ideas on how to stay fit and healthy whilst we’re being asked to stay at home
North Tyneside Fire & Rescue – Health and Safety Guidance
North Tyneside Fire & Rescue Service have shared new guidance on fire safety and health and safety prevention. As part of this, Fire Safety staff can arrange a home visit
Navigating life in North Tyneside during COVID-19
North Tyneside Council have produced a fantastic guide for residents called “Navigating life in North Tyneside during COVID-19” which shares advice, information and guidance for North Tyneside residents on adapting
Coronavirus Bullying in the Workplace: What Do I Do?
Reports in the media are showing that worryingly, workplace bullying is on the rise due to coronavirus fears. It’s not just rumours about people bringing Covid-19 into the workplace, which
Coronavirus Self Isolation Payments
The government is providing funding for a new Test and Trace Support Payment scheme for people on low incomes who are unable to work while they are self-isolating and are
Coronavirus FAQs: What can/can’t I do?
Blog post updated 02/10/20 We understand carers and their families might be feeling confused about what they can/can’t do right now as the North East is under “local lockdown” measures
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre moves premises
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is moving premises from the YMCA building in North Shields to Saville Exchange, North Shields in Autumn 2020. We’re delighted to share the news that North
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Friday 24th July 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Friday 24th July 2020 We are very aware that as lockdown measures ease and businesses start to reopen, carers remain concerned about leaving
Become a Centre Ambassador
We’re looking for carers to become Ambassadors for North Tyneside Carers’ Centre North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is an independent charity and the only generic carer support service in North Tyneside
Share your caring experiences during Coronavirus
Local NHS providers are planning how they can begin delivering more services again and are asking residents to fill in a survey with their experiences of COVID-19. This could be
#ClappersforCarers – 30th June 2020
COVID-19 has hit carers exceptionally hard, with young carers struggling to get the respite they need at school and shop for the family, risking putting vulnerable members of their family
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Monday 15th June 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Monday 15th June 2020 Last week was national Carers Week and our plans had to change dramatically as a result of Covid-19. The
Creative Writing Competition Winners
It’s estimated that there are at least 700,000 young carers in the UK. Young carers may look after parents, siblings or other family members, and may handle a huge range
Caring in Quarantine – Diary Entries
The first in our new series, we reached out to carers to record their thoughts and feelings about what life has been like during this unprecedented and stressful time. Caring
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Tuesday 19th May 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Tuesday 19th May 2020 Earlier today the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that almost 40,000 people have died with Covid-19 in England
Talking About Mental Health – Where Do We Begin?
We all understand how important it is to take care of ourselves and get the most from life, but now, perhaps more than ever during these unprecedented times of living
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Monday 11th May2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Monday 11th May 2020 Following Boris Johnson’s announcement last night, we recognise that many carers will feel confused and have more questions
Online Training for Carers
Although our face to face training offer is on hold at the moment due to COVID-19 closing our offices; we are still continuing to provide free opportunities for carers via
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Wednesday 22nd April
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Wednesday 22nd April 2020 We recognise and are concerned that the longer lock down goes on, the more carers are struggling. Carers have
Online Resources for Dementia Carers
From memory puzzles to traditional arcade games, The Health Innovation Network has produced a guide of online resources for those providing care for people with dementia. Particularly useful for lockdown
Online Resources For Carers During Lockdown
The current situation is bringing a range of challenges to many of us and it can be very difficult, but by following guidance on social distancing, or staying at home,
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre launches debut creative writing competition with award-winning judge
Having had to quickly tweak our services in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the team have been working hard behind the scenes to explore how we can deliver existing
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Tuesday 7th April 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Tuesday 7th April 2020 As the number of people diagnosed with Coronavirus and the number of deaths continues to increase daily, I understand
Easter Activities To Keep You Entertained
Staying home is the new going out this year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun! Looking after the people close to you is a real priority for lots
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre – Wednesday 1st April
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre Wednesday 1st April 2020 The team are keeping a close eye on the daily news briefings regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and how it
5 Wellbeing Tips for Self Isolation and Social Distancing
Like you, we are keeping a close eye on the daily news briefings regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and how it might affect carers, family members and friends. The Carers’ Centre
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Tuesday 24th March 2020
After the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last night about the country being placed under lock down, I want to reassure carers that we are doing everything we can
Temporary building closures and postponements in North Tyneside
Paul Hanson, Chief Executive of North Tyneside Council, said: “Following the latest guidance from the Government on managing the coronavirus outbreak, we have taken the decision to close a number
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and North Tyneside Carers’ Centre
Further to the advice received from central government on the 16th March 2020, that everyone in the UK should avoid “non essential” travel and contact with others: North Tyneside Carers’
New digital training platform for the VCS
Source: VODA North Tyneside VODA are working in partnership with Northumberland CVA and Connected Voice (formerly Newcastle CVS) to develop a new digital training platform aimed at trustees, staff and
State of Caring Survey 2020
Source: Carers UK The State of Caring Survey is the UK’s most comprehensive research into the lives and experience of carers. The 2020 survey is now open and will close
Free e-learning programme boosts confidence and skills amongst unpaid carers
Source: Carers UK National charity Carers UK has launched its latest digital innovation for unpaid carers in a drive to recognise their valuable skills and experience. The interactive e-learning programme, Learning
Young carers ‘average £12,000 of unpaid work a year’
Source: BBC Young carers spend an average of 25 hours a week looking after loved ones, new research suggests. Their unpaid work is the equivalent of £12,000 a year on
Centre Strolls – Local easy walks for carers
Walking with others can turn exercise into an enjoyable social occasion. All of our walks and strolls are at an easy pace and designed for people of all abilities. Join
Caring With Confidence – Five weekly sessions helping carers to support someone with dementia
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is running free sessions which can help improve your knowledge about your loved ones’ condition and look at all aspects of the caring role you have
Carers Invited To Attend First Aid Training With St John’s Ambulance
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre will be welcoming members of staff from St John’s Ambulance to deliver first aid training to carers. This session is designed to give carers the confidence
Free Dementia Sessions at Wellspring Medical Practice
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is running free sessions which can help improve your knowledge about your loved ones’ condition and look at all aspects of the caring role you have
Training and Wellbeing Sessions For Mental Health Carers
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is running free events to offer mental health carers a much needed break from their caring role. We are also offering training sessions, which can help
Free Dementia Sessions at North Tyneside Carers’ Centre
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre are running free sessions which can help improve your knowledge about your loved ones’ condition and look at all aspects of the caring role you have
How to Cope As a Young Carer
Young Carers are children and young people aged 5-18 who help to look after somebody in their family because that person has a disability, illness, mental health difficulty, or because
Carers UK reacts to Joseph Rowntree report on poverty
Source: Carers UK Today the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has published its latest report on poverty, which shows as many as a quarter of unpaid carers in the UK are living
Supporting carers at work is key priority – or risk an unmotivated workforce
Source: Bdaily News The number of employees that are balancing work life with caring responsibilities is growing, with 1 in 7 of the workforce, or 5 million of the population, identifying
Ten Reasons to Take a Break From Caring
Over 6.5 million people in the UK are carers of a partner, child, or friend. Caring can be a physically and emotionally exhausting role, so It’s important to look after
Carers invited to learn new skills at our Connecting Carers workshops
Improve your wellbeing – come and join us at our Connecting Carers’ sessions. Sessions are free of charge and will take place at various locations across North Tyneside. They aim
New ‘Happy to chat’ Scheme launched in North Tyneside
Source: VODA VODA is working in collaboration with Whitley Bay Big Local and members of the SIGN Network, to develop ‘Happy to Chat’ schemes across North Tyneside to help reduce loneliness and
Amazing charity supports families whose lives have ‘exploded’ after a loved one’s suicide
A lifesaving charity which helps those bereaved by suicide will now be able to support people throughout the North East. If U Care Share, a charity dedicated to preventing suicide
Number of unpaid carers aged 80 and over has risen by one quarter
Nearly a million people over the age of 80 are acting as unpaid carers, up a quarter in a decade, Age UK has revealed. The charity accused the Government of “exploiting”
Spare a thought for carers and the cared for this Christmas
While we all enjoy a well deserved break over Christmas and new year, North Tyneside Carers’ Centre asks you to spare a thought for the inspiring carers that are so
Christmas cheer for young carers thanks to festive donations
More than 80 bags filled with festive gifts have been donated to young carers across North Tyneside. Gifts were donated by staff from Sage and customers from The Village Hotel,
Young carers feel responsible for giving their family a good Christmas
Source: Action For Children Nearly half of young carers feel responsible for giving their family a good Christmas, according to a new survey released by leading charity Action for Children. While
Free Sight Tests for Universal Credit Claimants
Source: VODA Universal Credit and other benefits are now being managed on-line. Applicants for benefits require a computer and internet access, and be able to see the screen clearly and
Sharing Good Practice on Carers Rights Day
On Carers’ Rights Day we hosted a variety of workshops to provide information and examples of best practice to professionals who undertake Carers’ Assessments. The workshops were well attended with
Carers UK Publish Manifesto Urging Government to Support Carers
Source: Carers UK Carers UK has published a manifesto for carers calling on all political parties to commit to improving the lives of the UK’s 6.5 million unpaid carers. The
Government Announce Plans to Improve Autism Care and Support
Source: National Autistic Society The Government has announced plans which could improve the health and wellbeing of autistic people across England. The plans include: honouring their commitment to make sure all
Public Health England Launch New Mental Health Resource
Public Health England and the NHS have launched Every Mind Matters, a new campaign focused on raising awareness of mental health and how people can take steps to look after
Carers Invited to Attend ‘Between Worlds’ Performance at Northern Stage
Are you dealing with dementia or caring for someone with dementia? Would you relocate your family member with dementia to Thailand to receive adequate care? An original performance titled ‘Between
Carers UK responds to new rate of Carer’s Allowance
Source: Carers UK The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has today laid a Written Ministerial Statement in the House of Commons on changes to social security benefit and
Carers Rights Day 2019: Information Sessions for Professionals
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre will be hosting workshops throughout Carers Rights Day targeted at professionals on Thursday, November 21. This Carers Rights Day, we hope to reach as many professionals
Looking after someone? Know your rights.
Most of us will provide care at some point in our lives to ill or disabled loved ones. Whether caring affects your family gradually or suddenly, it is common to
Millions of employees expected to leave jobs to provide care
New research published by Aviva suggests 2.6 million employees aged 45 and over expect to leave their jobs to care for a family member or partner. The research claims that
Fifth fewer unpaid carers being supported by local authorities in England
22 October 2019 Source: Carers UK NHS Digital has today released 2018-19 data on Adult Social Care Spending in England, which includes support for those caring unpaid for adults. The data shows
We’ve Launched Our New Website, Check Out Our New Look!
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre are delighted to announce the launch of our new website. Not only will this strengthen our digital presence, but it shall also provide us with a
New Scheme Will Help People Return to Work After Career Gaps
A new project will support people who’ve had a long break from work, to care for family members for example, to take the first steps back into a career, and
Seven Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your GP Appointment
Young carers routinely tell us that GPs can fail to recognise the health problems that arise from their caring role. Helping GPs to identify and support carers of all ages
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre receives National Lottery funding
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, is celebrating after being awarded almost £200,000 in National Lottery funding. These funds will enable us to continue supporting unpaid carers across North Tyneside, as well
Third of unpaid carers would use a break from caring to see the doctor
Source: Carers UK Unpaid carers are unable to see a doctor because they can’t get a break from caring, according to damning new figures published by national charity Carers UK. One in three carers looking after
New Scheme Launched to Trace Missing Dementia Patients
The recently launched Herbert Protocol is a national scheme that encourages carers, family and friends to provide and put together useful information, which can then be used in the event
Young Carers Get Their Message Across in Song
As part of our Young Carers Awareness Day, our young carers have produced two original songs in a bid to get across a very important message to young carers in